This web site contains general information about Elzen Abogados S.A. (hereinafter “Elzen”) and does not intend to be a source of legal advice for any purpose. The purpose of this site is to provide general information about Elzen to clients, potential clients, law students and others who are considering a career at Elzen.

Neither the reception of the information presented in this website nor any e-mail or any other electronic communication sent to Elzen or its attorneys through this site shall create an attorney-client relationship, and no electronic mail or communication shall be treated as confidential. No user of this website shall act or abstain from acting based on the information in this site without seeking legal advice from a lawyer in the corresponding jurisdiction. Elzen expressly waives liability regarding the actions taken or not based on the content of this website.

The information provided in this site may not be the most updated or complete information with regard to legal matters or development. Consequently, the recipient of the information of this site must not take or abstain from taking any action based on the information of this site without first seeking legal advice from a competent lawyer in the corresponding jurisdiction. Elzen expressly waives all liability based on any information contained in this site.

No electronic communication through the website is safe and said communication will not be treated as confidential.

Elzen is not liable and it does not necessarily endorse any content by third parties that may be accessed or be available through this website. Elzen is also not responsible for the practices, including those related to data privacy, of third parties’ websites that may be accessed through this website.

Elzen has its offices in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The jurisdictions in which our lawyers have license, are admitted or otherwise authorized to practice are indicated once direct contact is made with us.

We can monitor the use of this site and register IP Internet addresses of the users of this site. This information is gathered by the Firm or its agents solely for our internal purposes and shall not be disclosed, except when required by law. All communications by electronic mail with the personnel or the representatives of the Firm through the e-mail accounts provided by the Firm shall be subjected to monitoring and review in accordance with our applicable policies and laws.

In the general course of businesses, we may collect information from you. A major part of the data that we collect is commercial information, but some of them may also include personal information, that we receive directly from you or from others as a result of your relation with the members of our firm or our clients. Occasionally, we can also contact you with legal memorandums, information about seminars and other publications.

Use of the website:

The access to and/or use of the Website confers you the condition of User, and therefore, you shall be accepting from said access and/or use, this Legal Notice.

As a User (hereinafter, “User”) you can get in contact with Elzen through the following electronic mail address:

As a User of the Website you are assuming the responsibility of the use of it. The Website can provide access to a multitude of texts, graphics, drawings, designs, photographs, multimedia contents, and information (hereinafter, “Contents”) belonging to Elzen or to third parties that you can access as a User.

As a User you are agreeing to make proper use of the Contents and Services offered through the Website and, without limitation, to not use them to (i) engage in activities that are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) cause damages to the physical and logical systems of Elzen’s Website, its providers or third parties, (iii) introduce or spread in the web computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause the aforementioned damages, (iv) try to access, use and/or manipulate the data of Elzen, third-party providers and other Users; (v) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, alter or modify the Contents, unless you have Elzen’s authorization; (vi) delete, hide or manipulate the Contents subject to Intellectual or Industrial Property rights and other identifying data of said rights of Elzen or third parties incorporated into the Contents, as well as the technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be inserted in the Contents.

Elzen warns that the materials contained in this website have been included for informational purposes only, so they are insufficient to make decisions or take positions in a specific case.

As a User, you must bear in mind that the materials contained in this website may not reflect the most recent legislative or case law status on the issues analyzed.

Likewise, these materials may be modified, developed or updated without prior notice.

Elzen shall be entitled to investigate and report any of the conducts mentioned in agreement with the Law, as well as cooperating with the authorities in the investigation of said behaviors.

Elzen may temporarily suspend accessibility to the Website without prior notice for maintenance, repair, updating or improvement operations. Nevertheless, whenever allowed by circumstances, Elzen will notify you, in advance, of the expected date for the suspension of the Services. Elzen is not responsible for the use that you and/or any User may make of the Contents included in the Website.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All Intellectual Property rights of the Content of this Website and its graphic design are the exclusive property of Elzen, or else of a third party who has authorized the use of them, so that Elzen has the exclusive exercise of the exploitation rights thereof.

Therefore and by virtue of the provisions of the applicable law in matters of Intellectual and/or Industrial Property, the reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, distribution, public communication, including its method of making it available, or any other exploitation and/or modification, either total or partial, of any Content included in the Website, without the previous express authorization of Elzen.

Elzen grants no license or authorization of use of any kind on their Intellectual and Industrial Property rights or on any other property or interest related to the Website, the Services or the Contents thereof.

The reproduction and temporal storage of the contents of the website are allowed as long as this is strictly necessary for the use and display of the website from a personal computer.

The legitimacy of the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights corresponding to the Contents provided by you and/or any other User is the exclusive responsibility of them, so that as a User you agree to hold Elzen harmless from any claim from third parties arising from the illicit use of Contents in the Website.

Liability and Warranty

Elzen declares that it has adopted the necessary measures to, within its possibilities and state of technology, to allow the correct functioning of our website, as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. Nevertheless, Elzen cannot be held liable for: (i) the continuity and availability of the Contents and Services; (ii) the lack of mistakes in said Contents or the correction of any defect that could appear (iii) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components; (iv) the damages caused by any person who violates the security systems of Elzen.

The contributions that may be found in these pages are made for informational purposes only. Elzen does not warrant the integrity, accuracy and timeliness of its contents.

Therefore, they are not valid as definite legal advice in particular cases. Principal-agent relationships shall take place only after confirmation in written.

Elzen denies any responsibility for the links to other web pages found on the Website that can direct you to other websites over which Elzen has no control, so the inclusion of links to other websites does not imply the approval of its contents by Elzen or the existence of any type of association between Elzen and its owners. Therefore, the User accesses the Content under his/her exclusive responsibility and under the conditions of use that govern them.

Term and modification

This Legal Notice shall be in force indefinitely, and Elzen may make changes to the conditions specified therein, which shall come into effect from the moment of its publication.

Elzen may delete, add or change both the Contents and the Services it provides, as well as the way in which they appear located or presented. The conditions that are published at the moment in which you as a User access the Elzen Website are considered as valid.

Access and/or use of the Website will be construed as your acceptance of this Legal Notice and its conditions and, where appropriate, the changes made to them.