Cristian Elbert

Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires Law School, and specialized in corporate law. Master in Law and Economics and major in finance at Torcuato Di Tella University. He was a partner in several law firms and currently he is a founding partner and proficient lawyer at Elzen Abogados.  With wide experience in strategic and corporative counseling in matters of corporate and contractual law, Venture Capital, transactions, IT and telecommunications. He holds different positions in boards of directors of several companies, investment funds and business organizations related to these topics. He is vice president of the German-Argentine Arbitration Chamber and a member of the Advisory Board of the German-Argentine Chamber of Commerce. He is also a member of the executive committee of AIJA and a member of the German-Argentine Bar Association, author of several publications, he held the position of Professor at the Universities Di Tella and San Andrés.
